Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Hello! I am a single mother of a gorgeous 19 month girl. I am currently going through filing separation papers with her father.  I feel that as I have gone through this process I have had no where to turn.  I wanted to create a place for parents to communicate and discover the healthy ways to deal with such a tragedy.  As the Primary Care Giver I was prepared for this in every way....except for emotionally.  I have learned to trust Lily's father and I have learned to take my time alone and turn it into a time that I explore who I am and enjoy my new love interest.  This has been a roller coaster ride in my life and I am sure if you are going through a separation you know how it feels! I was never married.  We were together for four years and we just could not communicate with one another when it came to our personal issues.  We have learned to communicate about our daughter....and to trust one another as a parent.  I still do not agree with some of the choices  he makes....because....mine are better...right? WRONG.  This has been a humbling experience.  As a nanny I have experienced many of the first time things that he is just now learning....I have to allow him to learn on his own....and trust me! It has been a challenge for me to keep my mouth shut!!!! So, please! JOIN ME....let me hear your struggles and let us lean on one another and be a shoulder for one another through this process! PoSt AwAy:)

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